Is Your Stress Reflex Killing You Or Is It Healthy Stress Relief?


Have you ever had one of those days where everything went wrong and then some? It's that day at 9am when you feel like giving up, wishing to go to bed, and then start again. Did you know that your stress reflex, or the way you react to stress, is a key factor in how you respond to it?

Your stress reflex works in the same way as other reflexes. You don't need to think about it. Instead, you react according to established patterns. You have learned your stress reflex, and it is unique to View Full Spectrum CBD Oil cps UK you, unlike other reflexes like the knee-jerk response.

Your stress reflex will serve you well no matter what you do. You will eventually learn that when you are struggling to cope with stress, the adrenaline rush, sugar hit, or child-like comfort of having someone pamper you and take care of you for a few minutes can help you.

That is why you continue to use that stress relief method. That is fine as long as you are able to manage your stress and continue on.

What happens if you can't cope on a regular basis and your stress reflex becomes inherently unhealthy? It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a psychologist to realize that taking a dip in the Ben & Jerry's is not as healthy as stretching and relaxing in a bath. You need to stop stress-eating. Obesity is a killer and this could be where your stress reflex might be sending you.

If this is how you handle stress, then you should find another way to deal with daily challenges and stress before it becomes worse. You can unlearn your stress reflex. It is possible to reprogram your brain to use stress relief techniques. Over time, these will become automatic and become your new stress reflex. You have to be willing to.

What is your stress response?

Whatever it may be, it will depend on your life experiences and likely deeply rooted in childhood. Your adult stress reflex will be stronger if you were encouraged to "go to the football field and slugit out with it", than someone who was only given a cookie and a hug when things got tough. Your gender will also affect how you deal with stress. Not only are men and women different in how they react to stress, but also because they get more benefit from different types of stress relief. For stress relief, women tend to use the support networks of close friends and family more than men.

You can alter your stress reflex, regardless of what it is. It doesn't have to be difficult. You don't have to eat too much or cause injury by being aggressive. Take a step back next time you feel stressed. Then, observe how you handle it. You can change your stress relief method if it is not healthy.



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